Tuesday, November 18, 2014

289.... Not keeping track of calories.... for now.

It's kind of nice not having to keep track of numbers, although I will probably have to go back at some point and track calories, but for now it's just nice living in the moment, eating in moderation, and drinking more water.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I'm done tracking calories and steps for a while.  I've had that on my wrist for a few years now and it hasn't helped me at all... apparently.  Totally frustrated.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Still no exercise, downloaded Netflix for iPad at 286

Haven't been exercising.... yet... but dropped two lbs.   Going to try to use Netflix to watch on the iPad on the treadmill so that I can have something to do.... that will keep my mind off of running and keep me occupied.


Monday, November 3, 2014

288.9..... YIKES

I asked Iny to hide all the Halloween Candy... and I didn't want to know where it was.  It was a smorgasbord of food with 4 kids.... way too much candy.  Anything and everything you can imagine was in there.

I know that has been contributing..... and of course, I was eating out of the fridge a few nights ago... wish I could put a time lock on that thing.  That is the other thing that's getting me.

No exercise... sleep is what I need.  Bailey, Oliver, & Tyler up off and on throughout the night.  Oh yeah, and Mattie demanding a 2AM snack.  All I want is sleep.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wow.... it's been a while.... and I gained. 288 lbs.

My journey isn't doing so well.... Been hanging around the mid-280's for the better part of a year.  I'm up to 288 and my knees are killing me.  It's not for a lack of motivation, just a lot going on around the house with the kiddos.  Gives me very little "me time" where I can actually exercise.

It's either sleep or exercise and sleep has been winning so far.