Thursday, December 11, 2014

291 wth?

I know I went over my calories yesterday by a few hundred but I did the treadmill for :35 last night grrr

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

289.... Not keeping track of calories.... for now.

It's kind of nice not having to keep track of numbers, although I will probably have to go back at some point and track calories, but for now it's just nice living in the moment, eating in moderation, and drinking more water.

Saturday, November 15, 2014


I'm done tracking calories and steps for a while.  I've had that on my wrist for a few years now and it hasn't helped me at all... apparently.  Totally frustrated.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Friday, November 7, 2014

Still no exercise, downloaded Netflix for iPad at 286

Haven't been exercising.... yet... but dropped two lbs.   Going to try to use Netflix to watch on the iPad on the treadmill so that I can have something to do.... that will keep my mind off of running and keep me occupied.


Monday, November 3, 2014

288.9..... YIKES

I asked Iny to hide all the Halloween Candy... and I didn't want to know where it was.  It was a smorgasbord of food with 4 kids.... way too much candy.  Anything and everything you can imagine was in there.

I know that has been contributing..... and of course, I was eating out of the fridge a few nights ago... wish I could put a time lock on that thing.  That is the other thing that's getting me.

No exercise... sleep is what I need.  Bailey, Oliver, & Tyler up off and on throughout the night.  Oh yeah, and Mattie demanding a 2AM snack.  All I want is sleep.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Wow.... it's been a while.... and I gained. 288 lbs.

My journey isn't doing so well.... Been hanging around the mid-280's for the better part of a year.  I'm up to 288 and my knees are killing me.  It's not for a lack of motivation, just a lot going on around the house with the kiddos.  Gives me very little "me time" where I can actually exercise.

It's either sleep or exercise and sleep has been winning so far.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

275!!!! Back on the treadmill!

Back on the treadmill at 2.5 to 3 miles plus some lifting.  It seems to work better than the program that we're using a.k.a. the 21 day fix.  Don't get me wrong I think the program is excellent but I don't think it is for me as far as the exercise on DVD goes.

I would rather run on the treadmill and kind of zone out for the day or decompressed whatever you want to call it and listen to music.  I still eat the 21 day fix but I don't do those exercises but it seems to be working out the combination between my exercise and the the food that comes with the 21 day fix.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Day#7 and guessed it 277,

Though the numbers on the scale have not moved, I do feel a lot better.  I have not had processed food in an entire week.  Kind of cleanses the body without actually focusing on the cleansing.  I can move a lot easier I can get up and down faster and my close it's a little bit better.  Still a long way to go but after a week I am encouraged by what is to come for the next two weeks of this program that we are on.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Day #5 on the 21 day fix is EXCELLENT! Down to 277

So far this week is been very good on the 21 day fix. I am down to 277 pounds. My goal for this week on day seven is to be at 275.  We've exercised every night and so far the workouts have been really good they are really pushing us to new levels.  I can feel a difference in my posture whether I'm sitting in a chair at work in my car or just walking I think it's due to the strengthening of the core muscles.

All in all I think this program has been a very good investment I do give Iny grief at times but I am glad we are doing this together.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

21 Day program with Iny back to 281

Iny's friends have has success with this program so I am going to give it a shot.  It's pre-planned meals combined with a 1/2 hour daily exercise routine.

I think the fact that we are eating better and exercising together will help.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Quick Check in.... 277

Not a whole lot going on... haven't really been exercising, taking care of some other medical needs... so I'm just holding steady, counting calories and trying to make healthy choices.

Still using the BodyBugg every day and My Fitness Pal.   With the exception of Sundays, I ALWAYS have a calorie deficit, so that is good.  The one thing that would be easy to do and I haven't been doing it would be drinking more water.  Going to make an effort to step up that game tonight.

Also have my sleep test tonight.  fun fun!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Back to progress.... 277

Well things are progressing a little bit...   I purchased a really good book from the Mayo Clinic that reminded me of a class that I took with Dr. Vasquez about 14 years ago.

It's not a "diet" in the terms of "fad" or eating the bare minimum, it's a lifestyle change.... and it has a lot of good tips, teaches about carbs, fat, protein, what to eat/not eat, and better choices for weight loss.  After all, this isn't just going to be a diet for me, it has to be a lifestyle. 

Another tool that I dug out is my Body Bugg.  It tells me how many calories I burned through the day, how much exercise (moderate and vigorous), steps taken, calories burnt, heart rate, etc. etc. etc.   It works directly with  My Fitness Pal which is where I log my meals.   Sounds like a lot of work, but really isn't when you get a flow going. 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I've been bed bound for the last week.  this is the worst I've been sick in quite some time.  I've just been eating the regular 'foods' that will get me back on my feet.  Gonna attempt work tomorrow.  Obviously no exercise here.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Well this week was a bust.... 281

I tried, but I guess not as hard as I could have.... Managed to dip down to the upper 270's for a day, and here I am at 281.

Turned back to diet Pepsi and went to lunch a few times... That most likely had something to do with getting in the way of this weeks progress.   Well, there is always next week...  No need for a picture this week... Pretty much look the same as last week.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Priorities and what I have control over... down to 279

Finding the time to exercise this past week has been incredibly difficult with a late night at work, having kids (and a puppy) up all night, Bailey had bronchitis and I had to work from home.... the vendors/contractors had to come on Thursday so we had to prep for that... so many things.

I think I have to focus on the 'diet' aspect of my weight loss for right now.  Not diet as in starving myself, but diet as in keeping my calories under 2,500.  The treadmill will have to become secondary.

One of my favorite things is spending a little time with each kid before bed.  Until homework, baths and bed time routines are done, it can be 10PM.  Without sleep from the night before (because of said kids) it's difficult to get on the treadmill--and not because of laziness--sleep deprivation is a bitch.

I'm going to try to get back on and run this week, but in the meantime, I will be cutting calories and eating a little healthier--which is what I DO have control over.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Doing away with the Diet Pepsi is proving to be difficult...

Well, we have the first 'official' day of my challenge under the belt (so to speak) and I've been trying to limit the Diet Pepsi.  It seems like I have a 'need' for it in the AM and a small drink right before bed.  Not sure if this is due to 'habit' or 'need' or both.

Regardless I am drinking more water than Diet Pepsi at this time.... I'm at 60-70oz of pop and almost 100 oz of water.  I know it sounds more like 40%-60%, but TRUST me, this is a pretty big deal for me.

I did get on the scale today before work... 280... probably water weight, so I'm not going to do jumping jacks just yet... I think that I may check my weight once a week instead of daily.  I tend to become obsessed with things, and if I have an off day it would be the 'end of the world.'

Got on the treadmill last night, got 2 miles in before my IBS/Colitis/Crohns kicked in.  I was about 400 Nike Fuel Points short of my goal last night. We'll see what tonight brings.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Gotta start somewhere, right? Starting at 283

I thought I would try the blog approach to my weight loss and track my progress here for the world to see.   Either it's going to be phenomenal or it's going to be a bust.

This is my last "official" push to lose weight.  I'm pushing the better part of my 30's over a cliff... It's not going to get any easier once I do hit 40.

My knees are shot, I need wide shoes and I'm a 46 waistline.  Not "incredibly huge" but big enough where it's hard to bend over and my belly sticks out if I don't have the right shirt on.

My immediate goals are as follows:

  • Count every calorie with My Fitness Pal
  • Try and achieve my daily goal on my Nike Fuel Band
  • Cut out the Diet Pepsi and replace with water and possibly tea.
  • Get back on the treadmill.  (It's been about a year since I used it hardcore and I gained 30 PLUS lbs!)
  • I don't want to wake up or go to bed feeling the need to apologize to my wife for what a lump of lard I've turned into.  Physically this isn't who she married... and despite looks, there are health risks associate with being said "lump of lard."

So without further adieu, here is the starting picture at 283 lbs on 1/13/14.